Manage transformations with agility

We organize transformations as an agile, iterative process, because on the way to realizing the transformation vision, we break new ground together, experiment and learn from it. What could be better than an cross-functional transformation team that plans and manages a transformation with a transformation vision and a dynamic transformation backlog? We manage the process, lend a hand and support you in finding solutions. This is how we prepare the runway for your teams to take off.

Agile approaches have many advantages. They are suitable for dealing with uncertainty, they allow adaptive planning and they are faster than conventional project management. Exactly what we need for a transformation.

That's why we set up an agile transformation team at the start of a transformation. The transformation owner describes the transformation vision and thus provides a good orientation without anticipating the solution. He or she describes the expected results in a transformation backlog. This typically contains EPICs on topics such as business model, strategy, business processes, organizational structure, corporate culture and change management.

The transformation owner agrees both the transformation vision and the backlog with his or her stakeholders and then integrates them into the further process.

Together with the development team, the transformation owner plans and organizes the implementation in overarching stages and sprints. Results are developed iteratively and feedback is provided by the stakeholders. With each new sprint plan, the transformation team can react to changing framework conditions, new requirements and stakeholder feedback. Results can be implemented, tested and optimized at an early stage. Of course, this approach also works in a scaled approach with multiple teams.

Your benefit

  • You get your managers and employees behind a transformation vision
  • You describe your expected results in a prioritized change backlog
  • You approach your goal agilely and iteratively
  • You keep the focus
  • You have a high level of transparency about the transformation progress