If you really want to make a difference in your company – a change that is effective at all levels from top management down to the operational basis of product development, then Gerrit is your partner.
You benefit from his interdisciplinary experience from line responsibility and consulting. Extensive knowledge of corporate processes, focus on business relationships and responsibilities as well as the ability to involve people according to their aptitudes and motivation leads to lasting success. His implementation and change skills are based on his pleasure of working with people on an equal footing. His approach is characterized by systematics and creativityenabling individuals to learn and adapt quickly.
Interaction with people is very important in Gerrit's life. The belief that more is created in a team with diverse personalities compared to the sum of the individuals work has determined his work and his personal development for many years. Clarity, respect and trust are among his most important personal values.
MAGNA Electronics
Director Organizational Development Europe
Director Human Resources Europe ACTS
Head of Human Resources
Head of Controlling and Project Controlling
Head of Process Management Jost Werke
Process Management for Quality, Environment and Safety