Smart Development News 1/2023

Dear subscriber,
Our world is in a constant state of flux: business models as well as relationships with customers or suppliers are changing. This upheaval also applies to the rapidly changing technological possibilities for products. Due to the increasing networking of hardware and software in product development, more and more companies are also confronted with a rapidly growing complexity. In order to better master this complexity, we present an effective tool: Systems Engineering.
Systems engineering starts with the identification and analysis of customer requirements. This brings us to the next topic. A central point for developing the right products is a functioning requirements management. In our practical example, we show you how to elicit, understand, coordinate and document customer and stakeholder requirements with a workshop. A real guarantee for success!
Unfortunately, requirements can change in the course of their development projects. Collecting these changes in a structured process, evaluating them and bringing them to a decision is indispensable. With professionally implemented change management, you increase your chances of success for important projects and improve your company's ability to adapt quickly to change.
Finally, we take you to a new edition of our agile antitheses - with a focus on stakeholders. They should be involved as early as possible in the project. Their advice is often invaluable, but is the time described in the SCRUM framework sufficient and always the right one?
We wish you an inspiring read.
With best regards
Yours, Dirk Meißner
Systems Engineering
Thinking in terms of functions, or in other words: "How do I make electricity shine?
The complexity of many products is continuously increasing. At the same time, traceability is required for the implementation and validation of customer requirements. In the past, developers could still work largely independently of each other. In the meantime, many dependencies also arise due to the high software content in mechatronic products. Systems engineering complements the assembly-oriented view with a functional view and guides development teams in a structured way through the classic V-model. New complexities require a new process model.
Developing the "right" products
One way to a successful and speedy project start is an interdisciplinary requirements workshop with clients, stakeholders and project team
In agile as well as in classic project management, a requirements workshop paves the way to success. Why? All partners involved come together and can discuss or already clarify elementary questions for the upcoming project. This forms the basis for successful product development.
Implement changes to the product effectively and efficiently
Project report on the implementation of professional change management at an automotive supplier
Changes occur again and again in the product development process - for example, due to changes in the project's framework conditions. With good change management, you avoid unnecessary waste of resources and frustration in the project team. We have summarised what a possible implementation can look like for you in a project report.
Agile antithesis: "Is the stakeholder allowed to do this?"
Good advice or strong recommendation? How do you react when stakeholders speak up in your agile (pilot) project?
There are three roles within a SCRUM team: The product owner, the SCRUM master and the development team. According to the SCRUM framework, the stakeholders are not part of this. Nevertheless, they usually have customer- and product-relevant knowledge. But how should the team deal with their advice?
The CO Improve team is growing
Helmut Maier joins our team as Senior Advisor with over 30 years of experience in product development
In his projects, he realises time and again how much success only comes about through the interaction of a multifunctional and accepted team. Building such teams, supporting them with the appropriate methodology and then working in a motivated and goal-oriented manner is what drives Helmut.