Team CO Improve at the Alpencross 2024
Unbelievable! The CO Improve mountain bike team has done it again: Alpencross 2024 - through the majestic Alps!

Enjoy six days of great scenery with lots of sweat and, above all, team spirit! Our passionate cycling team - reinforced by former colleagues - has surpassed itself. We conquered over 8,000 metres in altitude and covered a total of 470 km - a fantastic tour over the Reschen Pass and Bolzano, through the breathtaking Dolomites to picturesque Riva on Lake Garda.
Every pedal stroke was a challenge, every climb a test of our limits. But together we made it. The reward? Breathtaking views and rapid descents at almost 80 km/h.
The best thing about it? We all arrived at our destination in good health and without a single breakdown.
We've brought you some unforgettable impressions - see for yourself!

And as always: After the Alpencross is before the Alpencross!
We can hardly wait to start again next year. Until then, the memories of this year's tour will keep us going.