The art of successful change management in organisations
Change is inevitable - especially in today's fast-moving business world. Companies that fail to adapt and evolve quickly run the risk of losing their competitive edge.
But, many studies show that around 70% of change initiatives fail.
It is therefore crucial to practise effective change management in order to successfully shape change.
Why is change management important?
Change management is the process by which organisations plan, implement and control change to ensure that it is effective and achieves the desired results. It helps organisations to adapt to market challenges, drive innovation and gain competitive advantage.
Organisations are complex entities made up of different components that interact with each other. These include not only the structure, processes and technologies of a company, but above all the people who work there.
When a company undergoes change, be it through transformation, restructuring, digitalisation or a merger, this primarily means that the organisation itself changes. New structures are created, processes are optimised and technologies are implemented. However, all these changes can only succeed if the people in the organisation are willing to embrace new approaches.
At CO Improve, we essentially differentiate between measures for conscious change, i.e. technically good change management, and measures that affect the unconscious motives and drives of individuals and the organisation.
Good craftsmanship in change management encompasses all measures that influence the conscious actions of individuals or a group.
We focus on three levels on which the measures are based:
With every change, an organisation enters uncharted territory. Many things are unpredictable, especially when it comes to major changes. The main objectives at the organisational level are to manage, but also to inspire, communicate and inform.
A central element at the organisational level is an agile transformation team. We involve all affected areas at an early stage and, in addition to a shared vision, develop a dynamic backlog for implementing the change measures. By working in an agile way, we ensure that the relevant stakeholders are closely involved and can provide ongoing feedback. This means that the path to the goal can be quickly adapted to changing conditions. At the organisational level, elements such as a communication concept and training concepts also play a key role. Specifically, these include kick-offs, town hall meetings, market places, blogs and Q&As. The use of multipliers is also an important element; these are often also part of the agile transformation team.
At the team level, implementation is usually more concrete. The aim here is to enable the teams to work within the changed framework. Communication and training take centre stage here. Interactive training concepts and role training with specific case studies, for example, are tried and tested means of allowing those affected to actively learn and understand.
However, ongoing support and the offer of assistance with questions are also of central importance here. Elements include a hypercare phase or open hours, in which those affected receive quick and uncomplicated support. These elements in particular fertilise the change, including direct feedback from those affected.
Ultimately, every change always affects individuals. That is why it is important for us to provide offers for successful implementation at this level too. Essential elements at this level are traditionally feedback or coaching. However, the application of established psychological models such as Kuhl or Inside Discovery can also help the individual to deal with the change. Often it is also simple methods such as feedback that help the individual.
Good change management always requires that the change and its extent are determined and that the right elements from the "toolbox" are used accordingly. As change experts, we have a large toolbox and the expertise to put together the optimum mix of elements.
We listen, show perspectives and encourage motivation.
We make sure that your team understands your vision and is actively involved in achieving the goals.
This is the only way to achieve "real" sustainability.
Yor benefit
- Increased adaptability: Effective change management supports your organisation in successfully adapting to market changes and securing competitive advantages.
- Structured approach: A clear overview of the three levels of change management - organisation, team and individual - enables these areas to be addressed in a targeted manner.
- Practical tools: Methods and concepts, such as agile working methods, training concepts and feedback mechanisms, offer concrete support for the implementation of change.
- Success strategies: Focus on good change management skills and the use of a broad toolbox to find and apply the optimal combination of measures for specific change projects.