Our Team

Michael Jungen

„The solution to the problem of life

can be recognised by the disappearance of the problem.”

(borrowed from Ludwig Wittgenstein)

As an engineer, Michael spent several years in technical consultancies, where he created mathematical working maps for complex hot forming processes and developed process-orientated tools for technical process management for a wide range of automotive suppliers as manager for quality, environment and safety at an international SME.

As his professional experience grew, Michael utilised his knowledge to redesign lively change processes for international production and service companies. Michael's focus became and still is the further development of people and organisations as living systems, e.g. in terms of their action orientation, their ability to control themselves and their resilience.

This has resulted in concrete variables and practical tools for analysing the status quo and expanding the dynamic ability of living systems to change, while always effectively regulating stress and under difficult conditions.

As a qualified aeronautical engineer and MBA, Michael's clients most appreciate the combination of technical and business know-how with profound mental approaches in behavioural and motivational psychology/sociology.

Michael is creative and loves precise and imaginative thinking and co-operation with others. In his private life he is a fan of Japan, practises Zen and loves to enthuse about Wittgenstein's philosophy.



Quality and process management
Statistical process optimisation of series processes
Determination of work characteristics of interlinked industrial processes; streamlining of process landscapes
Motivational psychological profiling of people, (management) teams and organisations according to the approaches of Kuhl, Hensel, Dellucci, Varga von Kibed, Sparrer, etc.
Organisational psychological/sociological development of people, organisations, etc. with regard to robustness, resilience, performance capacity, future viability


Dipl.-Ing., FH Aachen, specialising in aircraft construction, mechanical engineering
MBA, Master of Business Administration
Systemic organisational consultant
Solution-focused organisational consultant
Hypno-systemic coach and organisational consultant
Cert. Consultant /Coach for personality-system interaction
"Systemic thinking and acting in living systems"
"Synergetic process management and self-organisation"
Internal system auditor (ISO/TS 16949); process auditor (VDA 6.3, VDA); systemic auditor training
Expert for SIX SIGMA, LEAN, Next Gen. QM, bottleneck theory, ambivalence solution
Facilitator Theory U, Effectuation, Design Thinking, etc.
PEP Coach (stress regulation methods)
Neuro-systemic coaching - Scola, etc.


Development and Test Engineer Forming Processes (Work Characteristics) in an international environment
Head of quality testing; interim mgr. Product/process quality at automotive and shipbuilding suppliers, etc.
Head of quality, environmental and safety management.
Facilitator, consultant and trainer in practical organisational development and statistical process improvement
Behavioural and effectiveness trainer of process auditors
Profiling and method trainer/coach for the development of managers


Hot forming industry (forging, rolling)
Semiconductor industry (chip production)
Service companies in the automotive environment
Automotive suppliers